Why Biblical Worldview Should Be The Foundation Of Education

A worldview refers to a set or beliefs about the way we see and understand the world. Everyone is born with a virus, a basic understanding of all concepts. Many concepts influence how one sees the world. Religion, parenting education, etc. My belief is that God created everything. The book of genesis’s opening is an excellent example of God creating. God created the heavens as well as the earth at the beginning. The creation in Genesis 1:26 was completed. God then said that we should make men in His image. Paul, the apostle, stated Galatians 2;20 that Christ is crucified with him. But I live and yet I am not me, but Christ lives in you. Ethan Pope writes in “Developing the biblical worldview” that a biblical perspective cannot be built on any human belief system. He says that the best way is to express your view of the world. Each person may have a different opinion about God and religion. Before you can give your opinion, define “God”. God is a higher power than humans. They are invincible. One person that believes God exists. An atheist worldview would argue against God being the Creator. It is hard to believe that God could be the creator. The creator of man must exist. A creator must be able to create all things. The person who created them must also have greater power. Thomas Aquinas suggested five ways God exists. Causation is one of the arguments he used to support my thesis. It is not possible for anything to be the efficient cause of its existence. It is impossible for the chins of efficient causes to go on indefinitely. Therefore, God must be the first cause uncaused for everything to work. The bible is the conceptual guide for students on Christian philosophy. An education in Christianity is required to fully comprehend Christian philosophy. It is essential to be able to perceive and understand who is the source of knowledge before you can dive into Christian philosophy of Education. What is knowledge? This means that God gives us the knowledge we need to teach Christians. When we talk about God in class, God speaks through our words and lives. Christian philosophy is based upon the fact that God created the universe and is the source of all knowledge. “For the Lord is the source of wisdom. He speaks knowledge and understanding, and he keeps sound wisdom for the righteous. The foundation of Christian philosophy education should be God. God calls us to be shepherds. This is especially true for children. Jesus had instructed all the disciples to take the gospel message to all nations in Matthew 28;19. Paul was a teacher in the first Corinthians and was able tell his students. “Be ye Christ-followers, just as I am Christ.” As such, we should show them God’s teachings and also teach them the Word of God. My conviction is that an instructor must influence the behavior of students she has custody. Children are quick to learn from their parents and mimic what they see. Students need teachers to act as role models to them. Dr. Knight states in the text Philosophy of Education; an Introduction in Christian Perspective that education is an essential function of any society because every youth must have some form of education before they can assume the responsible roles in society. The youth of today determines the future direction of any society.

Brummelen explains that teaching Christianly in a Christian schools is impossible because public schools allow parents to enroll students of all faiths. It is against the law that teachers can use their privilege to preach or promote certain beliefs. Public school teachers face many challenges, including friends and parents who may be skeptical about their faith. Many students today doubt their faith and feel helpless. Christian teachers can take responsibility for giving hope to their students. Both Christians and Christians teachers accept the common curriculum approach without examining their worldview roots. Their teaching is not consistent with biblical views of knowledge persons or values. We could choose to learn from either the traditional or constructivist curriculum orientations. Modernity is often confused with traditional education. Constructivism is the most popular alternative to traditional curriculum. It involves students in pedagogical activities. It recognizes that students can learn from each other and interpret the information in a different way. Traditional education addresses the environmental, social, and spiritual challenges that students face as well as society. Schools have taken test preparation over the task of preparing students to be compassionate, honest, and just.

Brummelen states that a Christian approach towards curriculum is able to open God’s revelations through His word and the world. It preserves truth and encourages students to apply it creatively in their lives as well as their daily lives. They are made disciples of Christ, and they can use it to help them become more like him.

“Knowledge in biblical terms reveals both the praiseworthy acts of God and God’s ways to righteousness. Samuel instructed the Israelites to “the way that’s right and good” by telling them to think about the great things God had done. The Bible is the center of a biblical worldview. Christian education places a lot of emphasis on the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of all people. Every lesson should reflect God’s nature. Jesus was a healer and teacher who always looked at the whole person. He modeled His teachings and urged educators to ensure the well-being of students. I dream of getting my Special education degree as a servant of God. A mission is essential to becoming a successful teacher. Our mission as educators involves helping others, teaching, and spreading the gospel of God. The Christian biblical worldview emphasizes the need to first love, obey, believe in God, and then follow his lead. As Paul taught, I want to be a teacher, just like him. I would let God guide me as I made every decision. A biblical worldview should encompass all aspects of student education. Students should be taught how to recognize God’s gifts. Encouragement and strengths will lead to gifts that are developed. Everybody has talents and gifts. Each person must help the other with their talents and gifts. A Christian educator’s approach to the curriculum can make a huge difference. It helps students find God’s truth in their lives. It promotes truth and encourages students in daily life to use it.


  • elliotjones

    Elliot Jones is a 29-year-old middle school teacher and blogger. He has been writing since he was a teenager, and his writings have been featured on various websites and in magazines. He enjoys writing about education, parenting, and lifestyle topics.